Galder Gaztelu-Urruti’s Platform

1 min readMar 23, 2020

The Platform is a metaphor in the tradition of Animal Farm or Lord of The Flies. It very clearly focuses on capitalist ideology and has a secondary biblical theme as well. The premise of The Platform is that people are sentenced to prison terms in an immensely tall tower with cement rooms piled one on top of the other. Down the center of the building is a shaft. Every day a large platform makes its way down the shaft. On the platform is a sumptuous feast of the finest delicacies prepared with the highest standards. The platform descends layer by layer through the rooms and each prisoner can take as much as they want. If the first 50 rooms are greedy they leave nothing for the many more below them.




I have an MFA in painting and I’m an art professor but I managed to convince my school to let me teach film. My website