Some Suggestions For The Makers Of The Beast That Killed Women

3 min readFeb 15, 2023


If any of them are still alive or lucid, I have a few tips for the makers of The Beast That Killed Women. Let’s begin with the title. The word “women” is the plural form of the word “woman”. Your movie should be called The Beast That Killed A Woman. It might help soften the disappointment of the audience when they realize that virtually nothing happens in your film.

When your monster is a man in a black gorilla suit, you might think twice before filming at night, especially when all you have is one light. Your audience won’t be able to see anything except for the moths that are attracted to said light, as they flutter in front of the lens.

If you only have one light source, try to find a reflector, diffuser, even a flashlight, anything to avoid the harsh shadows that will swallow up actors.

When you film a scene, you don’t have to film everything from beginning to end. We don’t need to see the ambulance arrive, park, the EMTs get out, find the body, put the body on the stretcher, cover the body with a sheet, carry it away, load it on the ambulance, get back into the ambulance, turn on the engine, back out of the parking space, and then drive away. You might at least dub in some music or dialogue, instead of just looping bird calls.

Try to have a reason for each scene. Filming two women waiting in an office isn’t enough. Even if you give one a line like, “I didn’t know it took so long to join a nudist camp.”

You don’t need a silent space between each line of dialogue. You can let your actors speak naturally and simply exchange words, as if they were real humans.

As a point of procedure, police don’t usually use pretty, young civilian women as “bait” to catch gorillas, even if they inform her that, “We will be in the next hut with guns.” Also, they need a warrant to enter someone’s home. They can’t just walk through the front door, even if it is unlocked for some reason.

If you don’t have a boom for your mic, you’ll need to forgo medium shots and stick close to your cast. Otherwise, you’ll just get a mush of nonsensical sound, which I suppose is not that different from the dialogue that is in your script.

When one of your actors raises his hand and tells you that he can play the drum in the hula scene, check to see if he actually can.

Lastly, we need to discuss your posters, but I’m not sure where to begin…

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I have an MFA in painting and I’m an art professor but I managed to convince my school to let me teach film. My website