After Un Chien Andalou Came L’Age d’Or

Dec 8, 2022


L’Age d’Or is credited to Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí, but apparently it was mostly Buñuel’s production. Dalí was too busy becoming a hollow self-parody. Regardless, L’Age d’Or is the second collaboration between the two men. Un Chien Andalou was released in 1929, and although it was more intense and upsetting than L’Age d’Or, Un Chien Andalou caused far less trouble. Much to the confusion of Dalí and Buñuel, Un Chien Andalou was quite popular. L’Age d’Or came out only a year later, and was not only far less popular, but was also attacked by a variety of groups, including the fascist Ligue des Patriotes, as well as the French government.




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